The Eclipse Self-Instructor for 5 string banjo

A complete instruction manual for playing banjo (using plectrum)

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The Eclipse Self-Instructor.               
Paul de Ville.
Rudiments of Music.
"Let us say to the learner, here at the beginning, that no art, science or branch of industry can be suc­cessfully mastered or acquired, unless the strictest attention is paid to the rudiments or first principles.
Music is the art of combining- sounds in a manner agreeable to the ear; it is divided into two parts, _ I, Melody, II, Harmony.
Melody is a combination of sounds which by their elevation, duration and succession, serve- to form a tune.
Harmony is another combination of sounds which by their spontaneous union serve to form chords.
Music is written with seven figures called Notes.- they are named from the first seven letters of the alphabet and are placed upon and between five parallel lines, called the Staff or Stave.
The lines and spaces are counted upwards,the lowest being called the first line or space.
When the instrument requires a greater compass than the staff, small lines called Ledger lines are added, below the staff for the lower notes, and above for the upper notes.
There are three Clefs in common use,and are familiarly known as the
(The Alto Clef in this country is only used for the Viola.)
These Clefs are placed at the beginning of the staff, upon different lines, according to the instruments for which they are used. They give their names to the lines upon which they are placed, and serve as starting points to determine the names of the other notes.
Treble Clef. Bass Clef.
Treble Clef.
Bass Clef.
Notes on the lines. Notes in the spaces. All the notes that can be put on the staff
without the use of ledger lines.